Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Tablets of Light, with Danielle Rama Hoffman



The end of the Mayan calendar was really about a shift from third dimension consciousness of fear and separation to fourth dimension consciousness of love and unity. There was too much fear for the shift to occur and it was delayed. We are moving into that change now. Each tablet transmission in Danielle's book includes embedded light codes of high vibrational energy and consciousness, which activate hidden keys to conscious evolution within your soul. Offering the opportunity to leave behind and evolve outdated ways of being, such as acting from fear, being restrained by self-consciousness, and hiding your brilliance, the teachings of the Tablets of Light enable you to awaken oracular vision, re-establish quantum consciousness, become vibrationally autonomous, and activate your Divine Light Body. We truly can live without fear. Please join us Thursday to open your mind and heart to living without fear and choosing instead to live in the consciousness of unity and love.