Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Getting UNSTUCK with Shira Taylor Gura



I had just finished doing my radio show and pulled out a stack of books that I had received from potential guests. I went outside for a break and a young owl caught my attention. He was wounded and sitting on the ground starring directly at me. I called the animal rescue number and pulled up a chair to keep him safe. I wondered why this owl showed up now and what message he had for me. I went inside to get the books and discovered that my cat was frantic. He had been showing signs for a while that he didn't like sharing me with others. The owl was the last straw for him, but I still didn't want to admit that he needed a new home. We had been together for several years and were emotionally bonded. In my turmoil, I picked up Shira's book and randomly opened it. As I read, I knew the owl was there to help me see what I had been denying. I had to rehome Benji for his happiness and mine. I also knew I wanted Shira on my show to help you too learn how to get unStuck. Please join us Thursday