Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Healing Through New Music with Ted Winslow



The word music generally brings up thoughts of favorite composers, singers, genres or specific pieces. Research has proven the powerful impact that certain kinds of music have on our mood and intelligence. Now there is a new kind of music that actually helps people heal. Sound Sync Technologies™ is a scientifically proven healing technology developed by Ted Winslow. Ted invented this specialized sound healing music after 25 years of research and development of healing Solfeggio Frequencies, Binaural Beats, Theta Brainwave Technology, layering of frequencies, Sacred Geometry, Numerology, and spherical sound waves which are composed and mastered to create a positive affect on the human energy field. Show listeners will be able to experience this amazing new sound technology with a free download of Ted's Amazon Bestseller, Angelic Sound Healing. Please join us Thursday to learn how true healing occurs through the vibrations of sound.