Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Learn How to Manage Yourself, Not Your Time with Nan Russell



Conventional wisdom says: to succeed, you must work long hours. In fact, our brain needs regular breaks to function at its best. Recently a friend asked me, “What’s the one thing you’ve done this year to create more energy?” My answer surprised me: “I allow myself to stop working when I hit an energy wall.” I recognize my thoughts now, like, “I’m tired, but I want to cross this off my list.” Yes, I could push through my low energy and get a second wind. In the morning, I could ignore the fact that I'm tired, down my coffee and convince myself I'm fine. There is a price to pay, however, and it’s a high one. We can do this every now and then but eventually we deplete our energy. A much more effective strategy is to remind ourselves that almost everything can wait. These days I ask myself: “What will happen if this doesn’t get done today?” The answer is almost always “nothing.” Please join us Thursday to Learn How to Manage Yourself, Not Your Time.