Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Consciousness Is What We Are, with Dr. Jude Currivan



Current ideas about existence and the Universe itself are shifting. Either/or is no longer the dominant mode of thinking. Researchers are beginning to understand our consciousness in broader, holistic ways, integrating the scientific and the spiritual. Dr. Jude Currivan shows how to reconcile quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of relativity; explains how we are consciousness as opposed to consciousness being something we have; and proves experiences that we refer to as paranormal or supernormal are actually normal. Jude says: By liberating ourselves from a limiting perspective, we can begin to not only understand but also consciously utilize the expanded insights offered by our inherent supernormal capacities, not merely to empower and benefit ourselves and enhance our own well-being and wholeness, but to appreciate and serve the ultimate oneness of all life. Please join us Thursday to learn how these ideas will help us create a more just, sustainable and peaceful world.