Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Power of Writing Our Personal Stories to Heal, Grow and Transform Our Lives with Sandra Marinella



Writing to heal has been an important part of my personal journey for about 25 years now. As I've become more honest with myself about my own life and learned to see the silver linings (the gifts of learning, knowledge, wisdom and growth in every experience and every choice), I have healed emotionally and physically in ways that still astonish me. I have come to see the world through eyes of love, and that's a very long way from the poor me, ain't it awful perspective I had most of my life. Writing pieces like this and my silver lining stories for my radio show have helped me tell the story of my own abuse, illness and loss. Although my intention was always to help my readers and listeners to develop new ways of thinking, somewhere along the way I discovered that the stories were also the ones I needed to tell for my own healing. Truly a win-win. Please join us Thursday to learn how you can consciously use writing your story to heal your life.