Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Embracing Our Divine Feminine with Danielle Dulsky



Witches were burned because they were healers adept at using herbs and other gifts of Mother Earth. When freed slaves got the vote, it was just the men because no women could vote. We still don't have an Equal Rights Amendment. Women make less money than men for the same job. Only 4% of Fortune 500 Company CEOs are women. We have destroyed our natural resources, polluted the environment and mistreated our animals. The U.S. President, who should be a role model, speaks disrespectfully to and about women, was accused of rape and said that Hillary was not presidential while waving his hand in front of his pants' zipper. Yes, we have made progress. Still we devalue the Divine Feminine, which is in all of us. We must bring that part of our nature to the forefront to balance the energy in the world. The cycles of nature, intuition, community and social justice must be honored if we are to thrive. Please join us Thursday to learn why liberating the witch within is a spiritual necessity.