Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Blissful Pregnancy, Childbirth and Motherhood with Bailey Gaddis



We know a pregnant mother needs to provide healthy nourishment for the life growing inside of her. Just as important, however, is nourishing the fetus' nervous system with positive thoughts and words and the energy of love. An ultrasound video on YouTube shows a 14 week old fetus clapping in rhythm as the parents sing If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. We are influencing our children's development long before we had previously thought possible. We must start asking ourselves what messages we are conveying with our words and thoughts. We know that it's important to play Mozart to help the fetal brain develop. Emotional development is just as important. Dr. Brian Weiss showed that under hypnosis, a woman remembered word for word things said by a total stranger shortly after she was born. Our unconscious mind knows more than we think. Please join us Thursday to learn how to provide the best environment for your child from the beginning.