Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Help Children Cope With Fear, Stress and Chaos with Dr. Arthur Ciarimicoli



Our children are at risk. In 2010, 44% said they had trouble sleeping and 20% said they worried a lot. We know too many after school activities and pressure to perform academically at young ages causes undue stress. In recent months, however, children's fears are increasing with political chaos affecting them in ways that are new. The night of the presidential election, preschoolers were waking up in the middle of the night worrying about who won the election. Children whose parents weren't born in the United States are worried that their parents will be deported and they may never see them again. Girls don't feel safe at school with more boys freely groping them in hallways. News reports are filled with increased violence in our streets, mass murders and terrorism. Muslim and Mexican children fear for their safety and coordinated bomb threats at Jewish schools have instilled fear. Please join us Thursday to learn how to help children cope with the fear, stress and chaos of our time.