Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Let Go, Love Yourself, and Find New Love with Tatiana Jerome



If an exciting investment is losing money, when do you get out? A bad marriage is a bad investment--only you're investing much more than money. You're investing your self-confidence, happiness, and sometimes, your life. For many years, I prayed for my marriage to be happy. One day I shifted and started asking for my own happiness. That was when I began letting go of what I wanted to be true so I could see what was true and leave. 36 years was a big investment to give up on. I have absolutely no regrets because I saved myself and began creating a life I never imagined possible. I went from being sick and tired most of the time to dancing Argentine Tango around the world, often until sunrise; from being sad to being happy; from being afraid to speak up to having a top-ranked radio show with an international audience and an Ask Dr. Paula column in Dallas Yoga Magazine, in print and at dallasyogamagazine.com. Please join us Thursday to learn how to let go, love yourself and find new love.