Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Ayahuasca Gives New Hope for Depression, Addiction, PTSD, and Anxiety with Rachel Harris



Most of us have certain ideas about the 1960's because we lived through it, our parents talked about it or television informed us. A lot of what we think we know, however, is only partially true. For instance, because some people misused marijuana, we decided it is bad for us. Now we are discovering that it has curative properties, relieves chronic pain, stops ticks, quiets anxiety and more. Likewise LSD was often used in an irresponsible manner that, in extreme cases, led to mental illness or death. People didn't understand the potential negative impact that these drugs could have and only saw them as a fun escape from reality into a magical world. They also, however, did not see the healing potential of these kinds of drugs. LSD is now being used by some therapists to treat PTSD. Please join us Thursday to learn how Ayahuasca, a psychedelic tea, used in the Amazon for thousands of years can be a medicine that helps heal depression, addiction, PTSD and anxiety.