Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Truth About Enlightenment with Jason Gregory



Enlightenment is not about meditating, achieving or even following what we believe is limited to Eastern philosophy. Enlightenment is letting go of false beliefs, fears and negative thoughts that weigh you down. It is literally about lightening up. As you release what weighs you down, you become lighter. Whether you call it listening to the still small voice within, connecting with your limitless higher self or becoming one with all that is, enlightenment is within each of us. It is who we are when we strip away everything else. It is us finding the spiritual being that was born into this world: pure, knowing that they were one with God, one with the Universe and one with all that is. The process can be different for each person as long as you release everything that is not you. When you are the same person everywhere you go, no matter who you are with, you are authentically you and enlightenment is yours. Please join us Thursday for insight into the truth about enlightenment.