Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Create a Happy Life with Carol Merlo



Did you know that long term happiness is not the result of how much money you have, what your job title is or if you're in a relationship? In fact, your circumstances can bring you short term happiness but are only responsible for 10% of your long term happiness. Another 50% is due to your genetic makeup. The actual key to your happiness lies in the other 40%, which is the result of the choices you make. Since our choices influence our genes, a full 90% of your happiness is due to the way you think about your circumstances. Nothing can make you happy. Happiness is an inside job. You choose it and then you make it happen by connecting with your soul, following your joy and cleaning out the debris in your thoughts. How you think about your situation and your life determines how you feel. This is not about denying the truth of your life circumstances. It's about how you choose to relate to those circumstances. Please join us Thursday to learn how you can create a happy life.