Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Rolling Thunder: A Respected Shaman with Stanley Krippner



What do you imagine when you hear the word shaman? I'm guessing it's a picture from National Geographic Magazine or the old Western movies. Today Shamans are psychologists, graphic designers, film-makers, Ph.D.s, authors and respected members of their communities. Yes, National Geographic is correct and so is the reality that your neighbor, who looks just like you, may be using shamanism in their counseling practice. In the past, shamans had a lot in common with the priests and priestesses as keepers of the sacred knowledge of life. Even today, the shaman's role is to connect the physical and spiritual realms, bringing together the human being, nature and Spirit through ritual. They harness the energies in the Universe to heal all living beings and Mother Earth, and some can even control the weather. Ancient traditions combine with new methods, as each shaman brings their own unique talents to their practice. Please join us Thursday to learn about Rolling Thunder, a respected Shaman.