Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

How to Heal from Prejudice and Bullying with Arthur P. Ciaramicoli



Bullying and prejudice are forms of emotional abuse. They make people feel bad about themselves, cause anxiety, fear, worry, depression and lowered immune systems. You know the expression I'm sick and tired? Well emotional abuse literally makes you sick and tired. Words do hurt. In fact, the research shows that people who are verbally abused, that is, emotionally or psychologically abused, suffer more than people who are physically abused. They say that their body heals but the words stick in their mind. Since the presidential campaign, people have felt freer to bully and express their prejudices openly. This is creating fear and violence across the globe. People do not feel safe. Stress is spreading by what is being said privately in families, among friends and co-workers and publicly by the President of the United States, his cabinet and the news media. Please join us Thursday to learn how you can take charge of your life, transform stress and create peace in your mind and heart.