Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

'The Big Picture: Bringing Together the Scientific and the Spiritual with David Burfoot'



Specialization has become so popular that people have lost sight of the big picture. In fact, often, they think their personal view is the big picture. Our unwillingness to hear each other and learn from each other has been heightened recently as people become more and more polarized. I wonder if the root of this unfortunate divisiveness lies in the professional realm. We no longer have doctors who are general practitioners and know us personally. We have medical professionals who know our different body parts and isolated problems. With no one looking at the whole picture, the root of the problem and thus the solution, is often missed. Just like looking at the whole person could better solve medical problems, combining scientific and spiritual knowledge could help us solve social problems that seem unsolvable. Maybe we need to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together to find the truth. Please join us Thursday to see the big picture of how science and the spiritual come together.