Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Communicating With Wild Animals and Your Pets with Amelia Kinkade



Most of us think of life in hierarchical terms with human beings sitting at the top. Are you thinking: well, of course; we're the most intelligent and the most civilized? If so, I want to challenge your thinking. Just suppose we are all pieces of a puzzle and the gifts of every animate being and inanimate object are needed in order to have true peace on earth? What if each species has specific information, wisdom and ways of experiencing the world that when brought together would create wholeness? What if we need to learn how to hear, feel and see every being and everything in order to be truly alive? If each of us does have a piece of the puzzle (or is a piece of the puzzle), we must respect each other and communicate with each other in order to bring all of the pieces together. Just a thought. I have seen and experienced enough in this world to question everything. Please join us Thursday to hear the messages Amelia has gotten from the animals and to learn how to hear them yourself.