Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Predictions for 2017



My sincere wishes to you for a wonderful 2017. May it be your best year yet. Some of you are wondering how that's possible with all the fear and anxiety over world events, an increase in hate crimes and the inauguration of a new President of the U.S. with a cabinet that is signaling a dramatic shift in policy. With so much uncertainty and many anticipating the worst, we must be prepared for what is coming. We may not have control over the decisions of our government, but we always have control over our response. Our attitudes, thoughts, words and actions are our choice. We must find ways to keep ourselves positive and hopeful as we work to create the world that we want to live in. Lasting social change happens at the level of the individual, not the government. When we make continuous daily choices with integrity that are life-affirming, we contribute to world peace. Please join us Thursday for Psychic Dawon's annual predictions, which is always one of my listeners' favorite shows.