Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Robert Meeropol Turned Anger Into Action



I was preparing to visit my children and chose my University of Michigan Alumni Magazine for light reading. It was anything but light. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg's son, Robert Meeropol, had been at school with me and was featured in an article about his campaign to exonerate Ethel. She was innocent and my government knew it. Not only did the U.S. government knowingly kill an innocent woman/mother, they intentionally used her as a pawn to convict Julius. Even as I write these words, I have trouble digesting them. When I told a friend that Robert was going to be on the show, she went numb and couldn't even talk about it. Those of us who lived through those times or are just hearing about it now, are experiencing a traumatic response. It's almost too much to absorb. I was able to process this by telling friends, signing the petition asking President Obama to exonerate her and encouraging others to do so. Please join me Thursday to hear Robert's story. Then sign the petition at rfc.org.