Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Put the Fun Back into Playing Sports with Dr. Jerry Lynch



When my 5-year-old son was playing soccer, the parents got together and requested that the coach resign. They were unhappy with the way he treated their children. He was yelling at the kids, benching the kids who weren't good players and generally making the experience so unpleasant that the children didn't want to come. Unfortunately, this is all too common and our children are suffering. The impressive thing in this instance was that despite the fact that some of the parents were friends with the coach, they had the courage to stand up to him and protect their children. There are rules on how to play various sports, but there are no rules on healthy behavior for parents and coaches. Some people need their children to be star athletes in order to feed their own egos and the child's needs get overshadowed. It is possible to learn how to parent your athletic child in a way that helps them perform at higher levels, be happy and actually have fun! Please join us Thursday to learn how.