Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Statue of Liberty: Goddess in the New World with Robert R Hieronimus and Laura E Cortner



Women are an underutilized resource. When I heard actress Connie Britton say this in an interview, I was stunned by the twist that she gave gender equality. I had never heard it put quite this way. Giving women full rights isn't just a matter of fairness or of equal opportunity. Not allowing females access to an education and to employment in all fields and at all levels, deprives us of resources. Since women think differently than men and see the world differently, we are depriving the world of new ways of thinking, inventions, cures for disease and solutions to problems that have been plaguing the world. We have created a lot of myths about what women can and can't do. We say them as if they are true, but in fact, they are false beliefs that have prevailed because no one has really challenged them. When we raise girls to believe that they are less capable than men, we cause harm to ourselves. Please join us Thursday to learn what the Statue of Liberty, a female, really symbolizes.