Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Your Words Matter



We hear a lot about the Law of Attraction, but we don't always understand what it truly means. It's easy to take the superficial view that all you have to do is say a few affirmations and you'll draw to you what you want. In truth, it's far deeper than that. You attract people, experiences and things through the vibrations that you send out into the world. Who you are, the words you speak, the thoughts you have and the actions you take all work together to create a vibration that becomes your life. When everything is aligned in a positive way, life becomes easier and you pull to you what you want. Remember being told: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all? As it turns out, that's profound wisdom. Last week Stephan A Schwartz talked about how lasting change is created by people making consistently compassionate, life-affirming choices. The words you speak should be among those positive choices. Please join us Thursday to learn how powerful your words are.