Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Healing Trauma through Yoga



Our attitudes, knowledge and treatment of trauma has changed over time. When I was a child, people rarely spoke openly about trauma. They hid it out of shame or a misguided belief that they should tough it out. Some, like my father, dealt with childhood abuse by creating the outer appearance of a successful, happy family. Others, like my aunt, whose oldest son died in WWII, paced the floor while talking to herself, struggling to find the will to go on. Then counseling became acceptable and dominated the field until drugs became a panacea. Now we know that some things can’t be put into words or solved with a pill. Research shows us that when we have no way of understanding what is happening to us or the skills to process it and let it go, our painful experiences, thoughts and emotions get stored in our bodies. That’s why some of the new work that focuses on healing through the body is so important. Please join us Thursday to learn how yoga, meditation and spirituality can heal trauma.