Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

What Is A Medium?



My friend Gay was my earthly guide to all things spiritual, including our many past lives together. So it wasn't surprising that she introduced me to James Van Praagh by putting Talking to Heaven into my hands when my mother passed away. His book changed my life, opening doors in my mind that I am still exploring. Although my book shelf has gone through several rounds of down-sizing, his book remains in a place of honor. When Voice America invited me to host my own radio show, it was a given that James would be on my wish list of dream guests. That was a little over two years ago. Last week, a cricket was in my home for the first time in many years. I knew that its’ presence was significant. Crickets are a sign of good luck and the rewards of staying true to our intuition and beliefs. Within days I got a request to have James on my show. The power of trusting my soul's path has been profound. Please join us Thursday for the sheer joy of hearing James Van Praagh share his wisdom.