Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Convert Disappointment to Gain



Disappointment can rule our life, drain our energy and keep us stuck in destructive emotions like: bitterness, anger, regret, blame, shame, guilt. Alternatively, we can ask questions like: What am I learning? How am I growing? What doors opened when that one closed? We have a choice. We can let our emotions overwhelm us or we can take charge of our life. Some of us have learned to rush past disappointment with platitudes like, Life Happens. Maybe you are in acceptance or maybe you're burying feelings you don't want to acknowledge. If it's the latter, that pain will continue to hurt you until you face it. I have learned to use my disappointments to heal, grow and change my life. Whether it was leaving a marriage, jobs, friendships, volunteer positions or organizations, when I asked meaningful questions and allowed myself to look deeply within, I was able to let go of the past and live in the joyful present. Please join us Thursday to learn how you, too, can transform your life.