Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Power of the Desire to Live



Does it sound ridiculous to you that not everyone wants to live? It may be a bit challenging to entertain the possibility that not all of us believe we are worthy of life and that others can't find a good reason to continue living. You've probably heard people say, 'Well, we can't live forever. Disease is just a way for us to leave the earth plane.' But do you remember learning that elderly Native Americans would just know when it was their time to die and would peacefully go off into the wilderness? They knew how to move from this plane to the heavenly plane. In current times, we believe that we need disease in order to die. The will to live, however, is often so strong that it overpowers a terminal diagnosis. Can the opposite be true as well? Can someone unconsciously choose a terminal illness to end their life because continuing to live is just too hard and they don't want to overtly commit suicide? Please join us Thursday to learn how finding a reason to live may just save your life.