Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Overcoming Destructive Anger



My father was a rageaholic. I grew up terrorized, never knowing when the fits of anger would come or what would trigger them. It was like walking in a mine field. My mother would say: at least he doesn't keep it inside, so he won't have a heart attack. He did, however, develop congestive heart failure. We now know that anger, whether explosive or repressed, contributes to heart disease, substance abuse, bulimia, diabetes, car accidents and, as we've seen too often lately, the killing of innocent people. Obviously, the toll on others is huge. Whether you're the recipient of the anger or a witness, it can result in long term psychological and physical problems. People can, however, turn destructive anger into healthy anger or righteous indignation and use it to achieve their goals, stand up for themselves, act on behalf of others, work for justice and a better world and even develop their own inner strength and resilience. Please join us Thursday to learn how to transform your anger.