Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Communicating with Nature



As I was contemplating this topic, a bird flew against my window frantically flapping its wings as if it were trying to get inside, or maybe, trying to tell me something. This is not unusual for me. Birds often throw themselves at my window. Sometimes they even perch on the window sill, staring into my eyes. We know birds communicate with each other; so why not with us, too? In my paintings, which are all abstract expressionist, animals often form themselves out of the paint that I put on my canvas. I do not intentionally create them, but realistic representations of lions, elephants, birds, horses, fish, etc. appear on a regular basis. Are they communicating through me or to me? Einstein said: Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world. Please join us Thursday when Tamarack Song will help us rediscover our imagination, our natural ability to communicate with animals and plants