Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Life Lessons Through Tango



Argentine Tango is a profoundly spiritual dance, a walking meditation. It creates the opportunity to grow in trust, connection and love. The first time I saw tango danced, I was totally captivated. I could not believe that two bodies could move so in sync with each other. It was as if they were one. I knew I had to learn that dance. That night was the beginning of a new life for me. I didn’t know it then, but everything was about to change. Something had shifted inside of me, and I was embarking on a path that would lead to my re-connection with my soul and the development of relationships that would teach me how to have true intimacy. It helped me choose to leave all the abusive relationships that were rampant in my life. At the same time that it helped me realize what I didn't want or deserve, it helped me develop the skills to create what I did want in my life. Please join us Thursday to hear about my journey to trusting as I read from the draft of my book, Tango: The Dance of Life.