Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Forgiveness, Positive Thinking and Unconditional Love



Based on a Hawaiian shamanic ritual, the healing practice of Ho'oponopono helps you clear your consciousness of negative memories, unconscious fears and dysfunctional programming. The result is self-forgiveness, peace and love. The process is deceptively simple. As with all true healing, you begin by recognizing your own role in creating the events in your life. Then you use the mantra of Ho'oponopono: I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you, I love you. Repeated several times over a dedicated interval, the negativity is replaced with inner peace, love and harmony. Quantum physics and epigenetics help us understand how Ho'oponopono works: thoughts and consciousness can affect your DNA, the realization of your goals and even the behavior of those around you. Your negative thought patterns and memories unconsciously guide your life and draw more negativity to you. Please join us Thursday and learn how this simple Hawaiian Practice of forgiveness and healing can help you change your life.