Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

From Skeptic to Believer: Talking With The Dead



As a psychologist, a believer in science and a skeptic, Dr. Matthew McKay was motivated to dig into the mysteries of the Universe when his 23-year-old son was killed. He wanted to communicate with his son as a way of holding on to him. He found mediums who gave him messages from Jordan, but this was not very satisfying. Matthew wanted to communicate directly with his son. He did find several ways to do that and before long the two were collaborating on the book Seeking Jordan. As Matthew tells it, Jordan actually outlined the chapters and the content. The wisdom that Jordan shared about the Invisible Universe was transformative for Matthew. He says that the most important information he gained from his conversations with Jordan is about our purpose in life, i.e., we must experience pain to learn to love and the pain of loss is the greatest kind of pain. Please join us Thursday to hear how you, too, can communicate with your dead loved ones and the truth about the Invisible Universe.