Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Adult Coloring Books for Fun, Relaxation and Healing



Meditation takes many forms: simple or complicated; structured or flexible; walking, sitting or lying down; silent or with chants or mantras; alone or in a group; awake or asleep; a few minutes, an hour or open ended; guided or free. My own practice has changed over time. For years I walked the Labyrinth at retreats and on my own and even used a finger Labyrinth at home. Now I often just look out the window or sit in nature and contemplate for whatever length of time feels good. When appropriate, I meditate by using special breathing exercises, sometimes with colors or chants to help me move negative energy out of my body and bring in positive energy. At other times, I use sound meditation where I play or listen to pure crystal bowls. The key is to find what feels good to you and what helps you connect with your essence. Adult coloring books is a new form of meditation that is appealing to a wide range of people. Please join us Thursday to learn more about this meaningful phenomenon.