Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Magic of Sound Healing



I go every week to a sound healing meditation class because the benefits are so powerful that I feel them in the moment. Sometimes I feel the sound bouncing from one ear to the other outside of my body, and sometimes I feel it actually moving through my head going in one ear and out the other. Sometimes I can feel the vibration coursing through my body forcing me to move in certain unpredictable ways. Sometimes I'm so peaceful that I fall asleep. Other times the sound takes me into a deep meditative state where I receive information that helps me solve a personal dilemma or inspires me to take new actions in my business. Whatever is happening, I know that it is helping me heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The sound forces negative energy to move out of my body and positive energy to move in. My technical understanding of how it works is minimal. I'm just grateful it does. Please join us Thursday to learn more from a true expert on the magic of sound healing.