Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Meditation as a Component of Healing



Life is so full of complexity and uncertainty that it would be really nice to have a simple solution for something, anything. Many of us want meditation to be that simple solution from reducing stress to reversing heart disease to curing depression. Those of you who know me or who listen to my show, know that I support meditation and mindfulness practices. I have had several shows on this topic and personally use these techniques. There is even a lot of scientific research to back up their effectiveness. The problem is that they are not 100% effective all the time for every person. Statistics do not look at what each individual needs. Consequently many people are not seeking the medical, emotional or psychological help that they need because they are depending on meditation or mindfulness to solve their problem. Although helpful, these practices may not be sufficient to cure every individual. Please join us as we look more deeply into the benefits and limitations of meditation.