Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Active Dreaming: Choose the Life You Want



We talk a lot on my show about the importance of connecting with the limitless part of ourselves, the part that is our spiritual self and what many of us call our Higher Self. We also emphasize the importance of creating choices and seeing the truth of our lives so we can make healthier choices. We grow up with beliefs from our families, religion, schooling and society that entrap and limit us. They teach us that we don't have choices when in fact we do. As we begin to silence the loud voices that tell us no, we can begin to hear the still small voice within that holds the Truth, our Truth, and tells us that we do have choices. We have choices about relationships, sexual preferences, gender identity, careers, where we live, who we spend time with, how we spend our time, what clothes make us feel good, which health practitioners we trust, what belief systems feed us and which ones hurt us. Join us Thursday to learn how to be limitless, create choices and dream your life into reality.