Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Predictions for 2016



I have been blessed to know Dawon for 10 years. He is my teacher, mentor, healer and friend. He has given me insight, knowledge, guidance and advice by channeling information from the spiritual realm. In the 27 years that I have been working with psychics and healers, Dawon stands out as the best by far. He has helped me discover gifts that had been hidden from me my entire life and then remove the barriers that prevented me from fully actualizing those gifts. I am the healthiest, strongest and happiest I have ever been because of the work that he has done with me. At 70, instead of narrowing my life, I am embarking on the most exciting chapter with new opportunities constantly emerging. In fact, it was Dawon who told me I'd make a great radio show host. Consequently, when VoiceAmerica Talk Radio Network asked me to host a show, I had the confidence to say Yes. Now I'm a top-ranked show. Please join us Thursday when Dawon returns for the fourth time to share his predictions for 2016.