Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Near-Death Experience: The Silver Linings



It took a near-death experience for Stephanie to wake up to her deep connection with the spiritual realm. As we follow her on her journey, we, too, wake up to who we really are. We all have the ability to listen to our soul and to experience the love and wisdom available through the spiritual world. Through Stephanie’s growing self-awareness, we become self-empowered to connect with our guides, angels and loved ones who have passed on to the other side. In doing so, Stephanie helps us enrich our lives and find the true meaning of life—to grow in compassion and love. It is through love that we connect to the spirit world. Open your heart, join Stephanie on her adventure and then embark on your own sacred journey. All you have to do is be willing to listen, and Stephanie makes that easy. As we release the fear of hearing the Truth, Love automatically connects us with the spiritual realm. Please join us Thursday to learn how you, too, can communicate with those in the spiritual realm.