Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

How to Age Wisely



At some point most of us come to the awareness that we don't have to prove anything anymore. We can finally take a deep breath and do what we want to without feeling the pressure of being judged a success or a failure. We can be free to take up that hobby we've talked about for years, travel, play with the grandkids or just watch the beauty of nature. If we're lucky, we're still healthy enough to do the things that we've been putting off until after retirement. Or if we're even luckier, we start asking smart questions of ourselves in our younger years. Most of us, however, need the awareness that life is finite. We need to be up against a deadline to look deeply inside ourselves and wonder who we really are and what we really want during our time on this earth. Our guest this week has a unique way of looking at aging. In fact, Gail Sheehy says The Age of Spirituality is the Best book I have ever read on this most significant passage. Join us Thursday to learn how to age wisely.