Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

After-Death Communication



As a child, did you ever talk to your dead relatives--that is, before someone told you that that was nonsense? I have vivid memories of lying in bed at night and having long conversations with my grandmother, who I loved dearly. She was the only one who truly listened to me. So if I couldn't talk to her in the physical realm, I didn't have any fearful beliefs that prevented me from talking to her spirit. I don't know how I would have gotten through childhood without her love and our nightly conversations. We reached across the realms and healed each other's hearts. That's probably why now I am able to communicate with those who have passed to the other side. Recently, I have shared messages from other people's loved ones. These spirits come to me when I'm with their relative, usually a son or daughter. They obviously feel my openness and always send a message of love and comfort to their child. I find it a blessing. Join us Thursday to learn how you can have After-Death Communication.