Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Near-Death Experience: From Malpractice Victim to Wholeness



Proof, a fascinating new television series appearing on TNT, uses fictional characters to investigate whether there is scientific evidence to document the existence of an after-life. Over the course of the first few episodes, we discover through the skeptical main character, who is a medical doctor, more and more convincing evidence that near-death experiences are real. In reality, the people who have had such experiences are numerous and even include skeptical medical doctors who have been convinced by their own near-death experiences. Usually, we hear how wonderful these experiences are, but that isn't always the case. When a near-death experience occurs because of malpractice, anger and chaos can enter the picture. When you add embezzlement by the malpractice lawyer, you really have the makings of a TV drama--only this story is true. Please join us Thursday when our guest talks about his real life experiences with all these challenges and his transformation from victim to wholeness