Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Speaking with Nature: Awakening to the Deep Wisdom of the Earth



We are all one. You often hear this spiritual wisdom, but do you stop to think about what it really means? And if you do think about the concept, do you realize that it includes all living things? When we recognize that we human beings are part of nature, it is easy to move to the awareness that nature is composed of living, breathing beings with souls and hearts. We know this about our beloved pets and this truth extends to all animals, trees, plants, birds, insects, water and everything on earth, even rocks. Actually, I should say, especially rocks, because they carry the wisdom of the ages. Just think what they have heard, seen and experienced over millennium. Quantum physicists, shamans, psychics and all who study, work with, live with or love nature, know the truth that nature is alive. How wonderful to then expand and enrich our lives by communicating with and learning from all that is nature. Please join us Thursday when our returning guest will help us speak with nature.