Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Child Abuse: Identify and Intervene



Children, who grow up in families where there is abuse of any kind, are victims. It doesn't matter if they are the targets of the abuse or if they witness it. And it doesn't matter if the abuse is drugs or alcohol or physical, mental, sexual or emotional abuse. The scars can last a lifetime unless someone recognizes their pain. Often schools label these children as slow learners, learning disabled, ADD or ADHD or trouble makers. The children act out for attention, join gangs, get into drugs or sex or they get very quiet in an attempt to be invisible. It’s hard for them to hear the teacher when all they can hear is the yelling or beating from the night before. They can even be good at hiding the abuse out of fear or a misguided desire to protect the family or the victimized parent. Schools are not always safe places for children living with abuse, whether they're in low income or wealthy neighborhoods. Join us Thursday to learn how to identify children in toxic homes and how to help.