Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Optimal Health: Rest, Relax, Meditate



Regardless of where we live, more and more of the world is adopting the western ways of doing rather than being. As this phenomenon grows, other parts of the world are beginning to experience the same health problems we do in the United States. Fast food restaurants have replaced leisurely meals, causing heart disease in France and diabetes in Italy. Work at the expense of family and meditation has led to a large increase of heart attacks in Japan. It's time to shift the balance and take the best that each culture has to offer in order to become a healthy world-wide community, with an emphasis on the word healthy. If all we value is productivity, we stand to lose more than we gain. Who will be around to enjoy the fruits of our labor if we are killing ourselves in the process? What values are we expressing at home and at work? What are we teaching our children? We must begin to allow ourselves time to rest, relax and meditate. Join us Thursday to learn how your life depends on it.