Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

When War Comes Home: Hope For the Home Front



The shocking and unnecessary deaths of American Sniper author, Chris Kyle and his friend, Chad Littlefield has brought into our living rooms what we try to put out of our minds. The war is over there we tell ourselves, but the fact is that the war comes home in varying degrees with every veteran, whether it's due to survivor's guilt, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, mental illness, addictions or loss of limbs. The impact of war is huge, and it affects all of us. The failure of the US Government to provide appropriate services to the soldiers who return home is also apparent here and is quietly on trial alongside Eddie Ray Routh. It's usually left up to the wives, girlfriends, mothers and other women in the returning soldier's lives to take care of them. By default, they are giving the care that professionals should be providing. They have no training, only their love to give. Join us Thursday to learn how one woman is making a difference by educating and supporting these brave women.