Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Animals As Spirit Guides, Messengers and Healers



We all have different experiences that create our attitudes toward and relationships with animals. Maybe a cat scratched you as a child and you still hold onto that fear. Or maybe you're oblivious to animals until they invade your home or garden. Then you notice, but only to kill them. In fact, animals, even insects, are messengers and guides and like cats, can even be healers. It's up to us to become conscious, see them as part of God's world and pay attention to how they're trying to help us. There is even an archangel who oversees the animal kingdom. I've learned to pay attention. For instance, when a dog, wasp or other animal appears, I notice what I'm thinking or what's happening in my life. Sometimes when I'm releasing a sad emotion, a hummingbird will come to my feeder to remind me that I'm making room for joy, and it will fly into my life when I least expect it. Join us Thursday to learn how animals are here to teach us, guide us and heal us. www.SandraIngerman.com.