Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Help for Couples That Really Works



The statistics on marriage counseling are depressing. Only 11-18% of couples make meaningful gains that last more than a year and over 43% are separated or divorced 5 years later. We put our time, money and hopes into a process that doesn't work, and we feel like failures. The fact is that the process fails people, but nobody says that upfront. I had friends who shared a marital counseling practice. They used to joke that they were a tag team. One would try to save the marriage and then he would pass the couple on to his friend, who would help them through the divorce. It wasn't really funny because they were talking about people's lives. The fact is that at least they were being realistic and doing the best they could to cope with an impossible task. The truth is, as Maya Angelou once said about one of her marriages, not all marriages should be saved. Join us Thursday to learn when a marriage should be saved and if so, how to effectively improve communication and emotional intimacy.