Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Psychic Dawon's Predictions for 2015



Psychics are no longer relegated to the realm of science fiction or dismissed as New Age. Psychic phenomena is researched and acknowledged by people of science who are documenting its existence. Dr. Larry Dossey's new book, One Mind, is filled with such research. You can go to our show's March 20 podcast to hear the data as he presents it or purchase the book yourself. And in last week's show, Dr. Bernie Siegel shared his personal psychic experiences and refers to several books discussing such evidence. What we often call coincidence, intuition, premonition or instinct are really psychic experiences. Our logical mind, however, keeps trying to dismiss our own knowing. We have dreams that come true or we know who is calling before we get to the phone. We all have these experiences. We can choose to acknowledge them or pretend that they are nothing. Dawon knows they are real and has been making accurate predictions for years. Join us Thursday to learn what's coming in the year 2015.