Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Bernie's Wisdom: The Soul, Spiritual Guides, Past Lives



We often hear people bandying around the quote: We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Saying it is one thing. Understanding it to the point of it being the frame of reference from which you live your life is quite another. When speaking with Dr. Bernie Siegel, that appears to be the organizing principle of every conversation. This is the third time that he is honoring us by coming on as a guest. As I look back on his other 2 appearances, this is the common thread, regardless of the stated title of the show. To prepare for this show, I suggest that you listen to those podcasts from April 3 and July 31. He is always engaging to listen to, and I come away enriched, wiser and healed in profound ways. Join us Thursday for more wisdom from Bernie on his personal experiences that have formed his beliefs on the soul, past lives, spirit guides, psychic communication and more. www.berniesiegelmd.com.