Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Beyond Illusion: Face the Truth and Save Yourself



We all have illusions. When you’re in an abusive relationship, the illusions become so overpowering that it's the equivalent of creating an alternate universe. The abuser sells their truth as the only perspective, denying the reality of the abused person. The abuser enters the other person's mind causing the abused person to question their own thinking. Since the abused wants desperately to have a happy, healthy relationship, they participate in the illusion, playing their part to create the fantasy that they are one happy couple and all is well in their world. Little by little, the abused gets sucked into this alternate universe, creating their own prison, afraid to do anything to upset the balance. They become increasingly isolated, dependent and afraid of the abuser's words and/or actions. Breaking out of the prison that they have helped create takes courage, the willingness to see the truth and to change. Join us Thursday to learn how any of us can leave abuse and truly live.