Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

What Yoga Can Do for You



Yoga has become hip. People often go for a workout and even scoff at the spiritual component. There are so many variations now that you can barely pass a shopping center without seeing a specialized yoga studio. And yes, it is good for the body's health, strength and flexibility. The fact is, however, that the very definition of yoga is union and that means union of the individual with the Divine. The poses are designed to help you achieve this union, regardless of your intent. It was one of the tools that I used to help me get in touch with my true voice. I used it consciously to connect with my body, to learn to listen, to feel, to pay attention in the moment. But you don't have to make a point of it or even be aware of it. The poses do it for you. It comes to us from Eastern traditions but even the ancient Rabbis schooled in Kabbalah used certain poses to deepen their connection with God. Join us Thursday to discover what yoga can do for you.